When young adults are actively using drugs, they become strangers. While we parents long to reconnect with them, our fear, anger, and confusion escalate. Dialogues become heated, regrets mount, and more distance grows. We lose sight of the pain and suffering that often underlies addiction and we lose hope of ever reclaiming our relationship with our kids.
TruthTalks Workshops offer HOPE.
In a series of 4 themed workshop sessions,
parents of active drug abusers have facilitated dialogues
with young adults in solid recovery.
These kids have insight into their struggles with addiction and, unlike our own kids, are eager to talk and honestly share their experiences.
In the course of these conversations,
hard truths come to light and, very often,
empathy for ourselves
and our adult children is born.
By listening to other kids talk about their addictions,
we become able to hear the cries of our own.